Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung in Frankfurt am Main
- Firmenname:
- Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung
- Branche:
- Freiberufl./ wissensch./ techn. Dienstleistungen
- Freiberufl./ wissensch./ techn. Dienstleistungen: Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich Natur-, Ingenieur-, Agrarwissenschaften und Medizin

The Max Planck Institute for Brain Research (MPI for Brain Research) in Frankfurt / Main is a vibrant research institution in the field of basic biological and medical research, with a focus on understanding the functions of the brain’s circuits. Our institute has approximately 250 employees in three research departments and four research groups, as well as several service units.
Our Institute is largely self-sufficient. In addition to our academic departments, we also have a variety of academic and non-academic service groups, including imaging, bioinformatics, proteomics, IT, electronics, the mechanical workshop, facility management and the animal house. The goal of our colleagues in the service groups is to fully support the work of the scientists in all matters, i.e. provide positive support in all situations with both help and advice. We are pleased to offer highly qualified professionals the possibility of supporting our scientists in their work. In our contracts, we agree to the application and validity of the collective agreement for public service (TVöD Bund).
Necessary skills:If you enjoy working in an international research environment, are always happy to work with people from different cultural backgrounds, enjoy being the daily point of reference for people with questions, are sufficiently enthusiastic to constantly embark on new challenges and like pragmatically solving the variety of tricky challenges day-to-day life poses, then this is the job for you.
Equal Opportunities :In neuroscience research, equal numbers of women and men receive a PhD, but women account only for less than 25% of professorship positions (Machlovi, S., Pero, A., Ng, S., Zhong, M., & Cai, D. (2020). DOI ). This discrepancy largely arises because of the hurdles in balancing family life and academic career, and because of cultural stereotypes and discrimination. The Max Planck Institute for Brain Research is committed to foster inclusive research culture. Thus, we implement several strategies that enable equal opportunities for all.
Enabling career and family balance is at the core of our mission. We have several services and resources that can help any scientist with kids achieve that.
Dedicated support is key for success in science. We are part of several networks that provide mentoring, support, training and networking opportunities to female scientists.
We are committed not only to provide support to women already working in science, but also to engage young children in the process of science, inspiring the next generation of (gender-balanced) scientists.
In addition to these resources, we often organize or participate in events related to equity and inclusion in science, and we keep updated on relevant news.
If you want to know more, need support or want to get involved, do not hesitate to contact your local equal opportunity officers. We look forward to working with you!
Mitarbeiter Zusatzleistungen
- Zulagen für Fitnessangebote
Sonstige Zusatzleistungen
- Parkplatz
- Weiterbildung
- Coaching
- Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung